
Finding 2010 Fairs and Festivals

November 2009

As an arts and crafts or food vendor, you need to stay on top of the fairs and festivals in your area, and it’s never too early to start planning your next year of business. There are several places you can look to see what’s coming up in the next year, so be sure that you scan all your resources and leave absolutely no stone unturned. In economic times like these, you need to be putting yourself out there at every opportunity to ensure that you keep your business alive and kicking for the next season.

First off, start local. It’s obviously easy to get to fairs and festivals in your own area, and, unless you enjoy traveling cross-country as part of the experience, you should start looking and signing up in your own area. Don’t be afraid to make appearances at the smaller festivals in your area. Look for church and school festivals, county fairs, and cultural heritage festivals within an hour’s drive of your home first.

Then you can start looking for festivals in your state. One way to find them is to look online, as most states have a comprehensive web site of the fairs and festivals that take place there throughout the year. If you’re an old hand at the business, you probably already know the major events you’ll hit up each year, but don’t forget to look for new ones. If you’re a newbie, consider talking with some people who have been cruising the fairs and festivals for a while or talk to some of your customers to see what other events they plan to attend.

Finally, broaden your search to include and state or area that you feel is worth going to. Unless you want to travel for enjoyment or have a large enough operation to make the travel worthwhile, you’ll, again, probably want to stay near home. If you have a big operation, though, you can scan the websites of other states and areas to see where their festivals are. Chances are likely, too, that you can glean information from fellow vendors who have travelled to other states either to sell their wares or to simply browse at other events.

At this point, you’ll probably got a huge list of the fairs and festivals you want to get to in 2010. Just be sure not to overbook yourself, and try to pick the events where your particular wares are going to be most popular.


Looking for craft fairs in and around Tulsa, Broken Arrow and Sapulpa, Oklahoma

By rendi on November 13, 2009

is there a way I might search this site for festivals and fairs that have at least 50,000 people attending?


By amaxgroup on November 22, 2009

Thanks! good advice. If you know of any upcoming events that are happening for the new year 2010 please e-mail me the information. Thanks alot for your cooperation.

By Chantel Mcleod on December 2, 2009

We are an event in S.V. ARizona and would like to advertise for 2010 but don’t see a section for advertisers. Can you direct me to same? And can we mail a check?
thanks, Rebecca

By rebeccadahlke on December 3, 2009

I am in Bay area California looking for fairs that is still accepting applications.  I had some luck with craiglist but not getting anything now.  Also I had terrible experience with a couple.  Please help. Just leave your comments here ,I’ll come back to check.  Thank you.

By alankarshilpa on December 8, 2009

I am in broward county in Florida and I am looking for craft festivals or shows that are still accepting crafters vendors for Feb. , March, and April.please let me know . or leave message here. thanks

By carmen sanchez on January 5, 2010

i live in arizona and would like info on shows

By on February 18, 2010

Can anyone recommend any good craft events in Oklahoma, Arkansas or Louisiana.

Also, anyone have any info of Sharp’s Show in War Eagle, Arkansas?


By Don Mabry on March 22, 2010

Is there a way I can find out about shows for items like jewelry, candles, bookmarks, word plaques, pictures, and etc.  I have a business that appeals to mainly women and I would like to venture out to other locations and set up for a weekend show. I don’t mind travelling a little.  I live in Middle Tn.  Please help!!! Thank you.

By Melanie McMurray on April 22, 2010

craft show in Raleigh ,NC please let me know.

By Deborah A perry on April 22, 2010

We are looking for food, art and craft vendors in Northern VA for our upcoming holiday bazaar fundraiser. What’s the best way to find local vendors for our Nov 2010 event?

VEH Foundation

By vehfndn on April 24, 2010

We are looking for talented crafters for The Holiday “Shop till You Drop Event” at the Topeka, Kansas Expo Centre. December 11th 2010. This is a Holiday Tradition in Topeka and we welcome new crafters and food vendors. Please e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

By on May 19, 2010

I live near Melbourne, Fl. Are there any craft shows coming up for the summer I can sell my jewelry at?
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

By lynnscustomjewelry on May 26, 2010

Hi we are just getting started in the food vending bussiness and would really appreciate any information that could help us get started in Oklahoma and the surronding stated.
Thank you
Melissa and Lisa
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

By Melissa Cornelius on May 30, 2010

II am seeking vendors insearch of a opportunity to sell their wares at an RV Rally in Louisiana, 2011..

I can be reached by email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

By bern fox on September 11, 2010

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