Lansing Holiday Market
1412 E 147th st
Lansing, KS 66043
Lansing Holiday Market
Antiques / Collectibles, Apparel & Accessories, Children, Handbags, Men, Scarves, Women, Fine Art, Beading, Glass, Metal, Painting, Sculpture, Weaving, Woodwork, Crafts, Appliqué, Baskets, Beads, Floral, Jewelry, Mosaics, Fabric, Sewing and Needle work, Crochet , Embroidery, Knitting, Lace, Leather, Bath & Body, Candles, Lotions, Soaps, Food / Beverage, Concessionaires, Garden / Yard, Home, Books, Clocks, Décor, Furniture, Rugs, Jewelry, Beads, Gold, Semi Precious Gems, Silver, Wire, Painting, Murals, Portrait, Paper Crafts, Calligraphy, Origami, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Metal, Pottery, Stone, Wood, Seasonal, Services, Consultants, Decorations, Supplies, Art, Craft, Food / Beverage, Toys,
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Pittsburg Seaffod and Music Festival
985 railroad avenue
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Leeann Lorono
Apparel & Accessories, Handbags, Scarves, Fine Art, Glass, Metal, Painting, Woodwork, Crafts, Clay, Decorative Painting, Jewelry, Stenciling, Digital and Indy Arts, Drawing, Charcoal, Entertainment, Attractions, Musicians, Folk Art, Food / Beverage, Concessionaires, Garden / Yard, Jewelry, Wire, Painting, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Metal, Pottery, Wood, Services, Venues, Supplies, Art, Craft, Food / Beverage, Photography,
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Grand Bazaar NYC
100 West 77th Street
New York, NY 10024
Antiques / Collectibles, Apparel & Accessories, Children, Handbags, Men, Scarves, Shoes, Sunglasses, Women, Fine Art, Metal, Painting, Sculpture, Woodwork, Crafts, Baskets, Beads, Clay, Decorative Painting, Floral, Jewelry, Drawing, Charcoal, Sketching, Bath & Body, Candles, Lotions, Soaps, Food / Beverage, Artisan Food Suppliers, Concessionaires, Home, Books, Clocks, Décor, Furniture, Rugs, Jewelry, Painting, Canvas, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Metal, Pottery, Wood, Seasonal, Toys, Dolls,
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New Geneva Stoneware Co.
840 Main Street
McClellandtown, PA 15458
Larae Angel
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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One Way Music & Arts Festival
191 Court Square
Huntingdon, TN 38344
Lori Neal Nolen
Fine Art, Drawing, Food / Beverage, Home, Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery, Wood, Seasonal, Services, Decorations, Signage, Decor, Flags & Tents, Venues, Supplies, Art,
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MudFire Pottery
18730 Needle Rock
San Antonio, TX 78258
Christine Rosso
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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Turtle Mountain Designs
Turtle Mountain Designs
Carson City, NV 89702
Debbie Anderson
(775) 230-5198
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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fateventlady aka fatavonlady
386 Tobacco Lane
Malvern, AR 72104
Deana Johnson Morris
Antiques / Collectibles, Apparel & Accessories, Children, Women, Fine Art, Beading, Glass, Metal, Painting, Sculpture, Woodwork, Other, Crafts, Appliqué, Baskets, Beads, Clay, Decorative Painting, Floral, Jewelry, Mache, Mosaics, Scrapbooking, Stenciling, Digital and Indy Arts, Graphics, Drawing, Charcoal, Sketching, Entertainment, Attractions, Musicians, Fabric, Sewing and Needle work, Crochet , Cross Stitch, Embroidery, Knitting, Leather, Bath & Body, Candles, Lotions, Soaps, Tattoo, Folk Art, Food / Beverage, Concessionaires, Galleries, Garden / Yard, Home, Clocks, Décor, Jewelry, Beads, Gold, Semi Precious Gems, Silver, Wire, Painting, Canvas, Portrait, Printmaking, Pets, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Metal, Pottery, Stone, Wood, Seasonal, Services, Consultants, Decorations, Financial, Insurance , Internet & Website Services, Printing Services, Promoters, Signage, Decor, Flags & Tents, Venues, Supplies, Art, Craft, Display, Food / Beverage, Photography, Tables, Tents, Toys, Dolls,
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E i Designs Art and Pottery
PO Box 68333
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
Sara Hunter
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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Canyon Rim Pottery
2415 8th Ave
Canyon, TX 79015
Debbie Grant
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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Biltmore Inspirations
Home Office Direct/Consutlant
19335, PA 19335
Kathryn Jenkins
610 873-6259
Apparel & Accessories, Women, Fine Art, Other, Bath & Body, Candles, Food / Beverage, Garden / Yard, Home, Décor, Painting, Canvas, Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery, Wood, Seasonal, Services, Consultants, Decorations,
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Four Directions
550-B S. 300 W.
Heyburn, ID 83336
Steven Thompson
Fine Art, Sculpture, Crafts, Clay, Jewelry, Galleries, Jewelry, Beads, Semi Precious Gems, Silver, Wire, Photography, Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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Women’s Expo
P.O. Box 6921
Apache Junction, AZ 85178
Scott Kramer
Apparel & Accessories, Children, Handbags, Men, Shoes, Sunglasses, Women, Fine Art, Sculpture, Woodwork, Crafts, Baskets, Beads, Clay, Floral, Jewelry, Entertainment, Musicians, Fabric, Sewing and Needle work, Lace, Leather, Bath & Body, Candles, Lotions, Soaps, Food / Beverage, Artisan Food Suppliers, Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery, Services, Financial, Insurance , Printing Services, Toys, Bears, Dolls, Miniatures,
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Born of Fire Ceramics
15432 SE 8th
Bellevue, WA 98007
Jeffrey Meyer
Sculpture & Ceramics, Pottery,
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